+ MP3 檔案密碼為 "raisondetre" +

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+ The password of the MP3s are "raisondetre" +

+ You are welcome to write down your comment to every songs +
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// Single // Album // Video // La:Sadie's //

01. JEALOUS --


02. Unknown...Despair...a Lost --


- I'll -
01. -I'll- --


02. (toriko) --


01. ヤヱ①ソ(akuro no oka) [DL - akuro-no-oka]


02. -zan- "D.P.Y. Mix" --


01. -zan- [DL - zan]


02. フヘバわ"S.N.Y. Mix" --


01. フヘバわ (yurameki) [DL - yurameki]


02. ヤヱ①ソ (akuro no oka) "K.N.Y. Mix" --


01. Cage [DL - cage]


  02. S(z-z Mix)  --


01. 予感 (yokan) [DL - yokan]


02. Cage (>|< Mix) --


01. (myaku) [DL - myaku]


02. Ash --


03. (myaku) (8 1/2 convert) --


01. [KR]cube [DL - krcube]


02. JEALOUS -reverse- --


03. [KR]cube -K.K. Vomit Mix- --


01. 太陽 (taiyou no ao) [DL - taiyou-no-ao]


02. children --


03. 太陽 (taiyou no ao) -Mix®- --


  MISSA          [comment of whole disk]
  01. (kiri to mayu)

[DL - missa01]


  02. S [DL - missa02]


  03. Erode [DL - missa03]


  04. (aoi tsuki ) [DL - missa04]


  05. GARDEN [DL - missa05] [comment]
  06. 秒「」深 (byo ' ' shin) [DL - missa06] [comment]
  GAUZE          [comment of whole disk]
  01. GAUZE -mode of adam- [DL - gauze01]


  02. Schwein 椅子 (schwein no isu) [DL - gauze02]


  03. フヘバわ (yurameki) [DL - gauze03] [comment]
  04. raison detre [DL - gauze04] [comment]
  05. 304號室, 白死 (304 goushitsu hakushi no sakura) [DL - gauze05]


  06. Cage [DL - gauze06]


  07. (tsumi to batsu) [DL - gauze07] [comment]
  08. mazohyst of decadence [DL - gauze08] [comment]
  09. 予感 (yokan) [DL - gauze09]


  10. MASK [DL - gauze10]


  11. -zan- [DL - gauze11] [comment]
  12. ヤヱ①ソ丘 (akuro no oka) [DL - gauze12] [comment]
  13. GAUZE -mode of eve- [DL - gauze13] [comment]
  MACABRE          [comment of whole disk]
  01. Deity [DL - macabre01]


  02. (myaku) [DL - macabre02]


03. 理由 (wake) [DL - macabre03] [comment]
04. egnirys crimredopyh +) an injection [DL - macabre04] [comment]
05. Hydra [DL - macabre05]


06. 螢火 (hotarubi) [DL - macabre06]


07. [KR]cube [DL - macabre07] [comment]
08. Berry [DL - macabre08] [comment]
09. MACABRE [DL - macabre09]


10. audrey [DL - macabre10]


11. 羅剎國 (rasetsukoku) [DL - macabre11] [comment]
12. Еヱ① (zakuro) [DL - macabre12] [comment]
13. 太陽 (taiyou no ao) [DL - macabre13] [comment]
「楓」~if trans...~
01. Ash --


02. 慘劇 (zangeki no yoru) -- [comment]
03. (karma) -- [comment]
04. GARDEN -- [comment]
- Coming Soon -